On the irrationality property of the golden ratio:

"Commo Idio propriamente non se po diffinire ne per parolle a noi intendere, così questa nostra proportione non se po mai per numero intendibile asegnare, né per quantità alcuna rationale exprimere, ma sempre fia occulta e secreta e da li mathematici chiamata irrationale." (De divina proportione by Luca Pacioli, 1509)

I was the recipient of the 2001 "E.R. Caianiello" Award for the best Ph.D. Thesis in the artificial neural networks field. A copy of the Thesis has been officially requested to be donated to the Department of Mathematics and Computing of the University of Southern Queensland (Australia). I was the recipient of a Rector Award as a proficient researcher of the Faculty of Engineering of the year 2010.

My editorial duties:

  • Co-Guest Editor of Neurocomputing journal for the special issue on "Geometrical Methods in Neural Networks and Learning" (Simone Fiori and Shun-ichi Amari, 2004)
  • Co-Guest Editor of Neurocomputing journal for the special issue on "First IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Intelligent Systems (ICEIS 2006)" (A. Hussain, S. Fiori, I.M. Qureshi, T.S. Durrani, M.M. Ahmed and K. Fukushima)
  • Associate Editor of Neurocomputing journal (Appointed: 2004 - Resigned: 2016)
  • Associate Editor of Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience journal (Appointed: 2006 - Resigned: 2013)
  • Associate Editor of Cognitive Computation (Appointed: 2007)
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Computational Intelligence Studies (Appointed: 2008)
  • Co-Guest Associate Editor of the IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals, Special Issue on Signal Processing (2008-2009)
  • Co-Guest Associate Editor of the IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals, Special Issue on Signal Processing (2009-2010)
  • Guest Editor of Axioms, Special Issue on "Numerical Computation and Nonlinear Dynamical Systems" (Deadline: August 2019)
  • Editorial Board Member of Symmetry (Appointed: 2019. Certificate)
  • Editorial Board Member of Stats (Appointed: 2019. Certificate)
  • Guest Editor of Mathematics, Special Issue on "Group Theory and its Applications in Engineering, Computer Science, and Structural Biology" (Deadline: March 2020)
  • Editorial Board Member of Signals (Appointed: 2020. Certificate)

I am currently serving (or I have served in the past) as scientific Reviewer for the following international journals:

I served as Session Chair at the IEEE - International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS, Monterey, California-USA, May 1998), at the IEEE Neural Networks for Signal Processing conference (NNSP, Falmouth, Massachusetts-USA, September 2001), at the International Workshop on Non-Linear Signal and Image Processing (NSIP, Grado, Italy, June 2003) and at the IEEE - International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS'07, New Orleans, Louisiana-USA, May 2007). I also served as Technical Committee Member for the International Workshop on "Optics and Computing" (St. Petersburg, Russia, October 2002) and as International Program Committee member for the 4th International Workshop on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation (ICA*03, Nara, Japan, April 2003), the 2004 European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN*04, Bruges (Belgium), April 2004), the 5th International Workshop on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation (ICA*04, Granada (Spain), September 2004), the 2005 European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN*05, Bruges (Belgium), April 2005), Epigenetic Robotics 2006 (EpiRob06, Hopital de la Salpetriere, Paris, France), Epigenetic Robotics 2007, Rutgers (NJ, USA), 2007 International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2007), European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD 2007), International Workshop on Indepenent Component Analysis and Source Separation 2009 (ICA'09), ICPRAM2015 (International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods), CECNet 2014 (The 4th International conference on Electronics, Communications and Networks), Member of the Scientific Committee of the 2016 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICAL CHARACTERIZATION, ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS OF COMPLEX INFORMATION AT THE BEIJING INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (Beijing, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA - July 2016 - CMCAA'2016)

I co-wrote, co-worked in and co-coordinated the following funded research projects:

  • MURST Project 1996 "Neural and non-linear methods for innovative circuits design".
  • MURST: PRIN-1998 "Neural and non-linear circuits for mono- and multi-dimensional signal processing".
  • MURST: PRIN-2000 "Neural networks for environmental data processing".
  • MURST-ENEA: PRASSI "Applicazioni robotiche del calcolo parallelo".
  • Progetto di Ateneo UNIVPM 2006: "Metodi geometrici per la sintesi di reti neurali artificiali per l'elaborazione dei segnali".
  • JSPS 2007 Research Project: "Differential-geometrical methods in machine learning and signal processing".
  • Progetto di Ateneo UNIVPM 2007: "Reti neurali artificiali con dinamica su gruppi di Lie".
  • IISF 2008 Research Project: "Neural signal processing systems based on learning by optimization on Lie groups.".
  • Progetto di Ateneo UNIVPM 2008: "Calcolo dei parametri medi di un insieme di reti neurali concorrenti su gruppi di Lie".
  • Progetto di Ateneo UNIVPM 2009: "Sistemi dinamici per l'apprendimento di reti neurali artificiali su varietà differenziali".
  • JSPS 2011 Research Project: "Dynamical systems on differentiable manifolds applied to machine learning and signal processing".
  • Progetto di Ateneo UNIVPM 2011: "Dinamiche di adattamento del secondo ordine per reti neurali artificiali su varietà differenziali".
  • Progetto di Ateneo UNIVPM 2012: "Reti neurali artificiali per l'elaborazione di segnali su varietà differenziali".
  • Progetto di Ateneo UNIVPM 2013: "Algoritmi neurali artificiali per l'elaborazione di segnali su varietà differenziali matriciali".
  • Progetto di Ateneo UNIVPM 2014 (RSA-A): "Elaborazione adattativa di segnali strutturati".
  • Progetto di Ateneo UNIVPM 2014 (RSA-B): "Oscillatori non lineari su varietà curve: Sincronizzazione e controllo".
  • Progetto di Ateneo UNIVPM 2015: "Sistemi dinamici deterministici non-lineari su varietà differenziali".
  • Progetto di Ateneo UNIVPM 2016: "Elaborazione intelligente di segnali per Brain-Computer Interfacing".
  • International cooperation ``Research in pairs'' project 2016, promoted by the National Center for Theoretical Sciences (NCTS) at the National Taiwan University (Taipei), "Study of a new mathematical optimization technique on Riemannian manifolds based on the chaotic properties of second-order dynamical systems", together with the Beijing Institute of Technology (Peoples' Republic of China) and the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (Japan). Picture here.
  • Progetto di Ateneo UNIVPM 2017: "Tecniche di machine learning per l'identificazione di reti multiporta".
  • Progetto di Ateneo UNIVPM 2018: "Metodi numerici per la sincronizzazione di sistemi dinamici su varietà curve".
  • Progetto di Ateneo UNIVPM 2019: "Modellamento e controllo non-lineare di sistemi rotazionali".
  • Progetto di Ateneo UNIVPM 2020: "Estensione di controllori PID a sistemi su gruppi di Lie".
  • Progetto di Ateneo UNIVPM 2021: "Controllo di sistemi dinamici su manifold tramite la tecnica dei potenziali virtuali (M-VARP)".
  • Progetto di Ateneo UNIVPM 2022: "Sintesi e analisi di algoritmi di sincronizzazione di sistemi dinamici non-lineari".

I belong to the following workgroups: